Our Services
We provide trustee services to a range of clients who vary in company size and industry. Our senior team of professionals provide truly independent trustee services. We have been appointed as sole or joint trustee to pension schemes in the public and private sectors, large and small, defined benefit and defined contribution. Our professional trustee services can be adapted to the particular needs of pension schemes and trustee boards.
- Corporate Trustee
- Member of Trustee Board
- Chairman to the Trustee
- Secretary to the Trustees
- Private Sector Schemes
- Public Sector Schemes

Corporate Trustee
As a Corporate Trustee, Trustee Principles would act as an independent professional body whose role would be to ensure that schemes are properly administered, members’ rights are safeguarded and members and their dependants receive the benefits they have earned. As an independent professional trustee we are happy to act on either a sole basis as the only trustee or on a joint basis working with other trustees.
Carrying out the functions, duties, and obligations of a trustee:
- Operating the scheme in accordance with trust law, the Pensions Act and the scheme’s trust deed and rules
- Acting in the best interests of the beneficiaries and making effective trustee decisions relating to the schemes
- Taking advice as required and acting prudently, diligently and in good faith
- Overseeing delegated functions such as investment and administration of the scheme
- Reviewing reports and decisions relating to the scheme

Member of Trustee Board
As a Member of a Trustee Board, Trustee Principles would:
- Participate in trustee meetings
- Offer advice in a diligent and prudent manner
- Review reports and decisions relating to the scheme
- Participate in making decisions with other members of the board; whilst ensuring all relevant factors are considered including trust deed and rules.

Chairman to the Trustee
As a Chairman to the Trustees, Trustee Principles would:
- Act as chair of trustee meetings
- Manage conflicts
- Ensure effective decisions are made
- Coordinate information for trustees

Secretary to the Trustees
As a Secretary to the Trustees, Trustee Principles would:
- Attend meetings
- Record minutes of the meetings
- Record outcomes of decisions
- Maintain documentation
- Maintain legislative compliance

Private Sector Schemes
Provide professional pension trusteeship services to private organisations with Defined Benefit Schemes and Defined Contribution Schemes. Our trustees have worked with private schemes for the past 25 years, which in turn has given Trustee Principles a foundation of knowledge and experience needed to guide and steer your scheme through some possible complex decisions that may have to be made. Trustee Principles will provide the support, leadership and advice to your company and board of directors that is needed at this moment.
Trustees will also have to face different decisions and make appropriate responses depending on the type of scheme they are trustee of. Trustees and employers may also have different objectives regarding investment decisions, among others.

Public Sector Schemes
Our trustees are very familiar with the unique and complex features of public service schemes and the particular issues organisations for over twenty years. Our trustees are very familiar with the unique and complex features of public service schemes and the particular issues they raise in the context of a funded scheme: for example, issues associated with participation in the transfer network, purchased added years and the financial implications of early retirement programmes.